Monday, April 20, 2015

What's In Your House? Mon. April 20, 2015

43 "When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none.  44 Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished.
45 Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation." Matt. 12:43-45

I have read many books and have studied the word and I have come to understand that if you have truly been saved, delivered and filled with the Holy Spirit that you can not be filled with an unclean spirit!
Too often in the church we find people in position, with titles, and great authority full of devils. Even the enemy has ministers that will preach God's word (with a twist) to meet there needs and match their motives. In the news last year that had highlighted a False prophet, a prophet of baal, minister of Satan, who said he was Jesus the Christ! He had fooled the people and manipulated them into buying him cars, and houses of extravagance and we're sooo deep in that they all began to get the mark 666 tattooed on their bodies in celebration of this false prophet!  Either they haven't read their bibles or they are in the itching ears club, and like what they hear because it makes them feel better about their sinful lifestyles!

I believe it is time for the church as a body, the true believers to take a deep look and search the selves by the spirit of God, that he may reveal the deepest secrets of our hearts and our souls so we can truly be cleaned. Not just clean, but then filled with the right spirit!

They have a show that comes on television and these people are really possessed by demonic spirits and the way their homes look is only an outward manifestation of their inward conditions. See demons can posses people as well as places, and in reality you are a hoarder, it's  just in the spirit, you are carrying demons from your past, that's  why your still mad at that man that treated you badly, still pinning over a love lost and bitter about your ex's new wife. Stop having a form of godliness, but walking around with a filthy, nasty house and receive the power of God in your life to truly get free!

Too many say they love God and lift up their hands to worship, but then the bitter faucet turns on and they  a poisonous snake. Backbiting, liars, gossips, manipulators, schemers, lustful in every way and will not enter the kingdom of heaven. What's  in your house? Have you truly been swept clean of the unclean spirits it are they just suppressed? Let's  clean house today in our lives and make sure that demon will not return, by allowing the True, Holy Spirit to enter into our house and fill us! Let's get SAVED FORREAL! Let us  be women of vietue, integrity, godly character, forgiveness, patience, kindness, longsuffering and power and lay aside the weight, oppression and sickness of sin, so that God is exalted and glorified!

Father in the name of Jesus,  search me Lord, search my secret places and clean me out by your fire of anything that is not like you. Habits, soul ties, alliances with satan, witch craft, and generational curses I break your powers off of my life in the mighty name of Jesus , satan i renounce all negative relationships, all words of cursing against my life that caused bad habits in the name if Jesus the Christ I uproot your works and your powers in Jesus mighty nsme.  Father now fill every empty place, fill me to overflow, every Crack and crevice of this house be filled with your love, your Holy Spirit, your power, and your anointing  in Jesus name.  Give me strength God, to live holy, to submit totally to you, Resist the devil, that he will flee from me, in Jesus name amen.