" And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre." Luke 24:2
Words have power but only if you accept them. The bible tells us that, " Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and them that love it will eat of it's fruit." We must be careful not to allow the words of others to kill us, to oppress us or to cause us to forget who and whose we are.
Dig a hole in the ground for every word someone has spoken against you and release that emotion and the person. Words can be very hurtful, they can cause you to be trapped or you can begin to speak life over yourself so that those words of cursing are reversed and you shed off the death clothes and walk away from those things that had you buried in sorrow, depression, bitterness, hatred and stagnation. Roll the stone away from the sepulchre and reverse the curse, you are not dead, you're not finished, you're not worthless, you're not useless, you are not a loss cause, ugly or stupid, you are blessed, favored, beautiful, gorgeous, anointed, intelligent, priceless, valuable, and you were worth all the blood, sweat and tears Jesus shed for you on the cross. He did it so that you can live in abundance, and because of that, Nothing Can Hold You Down! No abusive or controlling relationship, no past mistakes, no opinions of others, no sickness and no failures, The stone is rolled away, step out of what the enemy tried to bury you in and walk into your Future!