11) And, behold, there was a woman which had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bowed together, and could in no wise lift up herself.12) And when Jesus saw her, he called her to him, and said unto her, Woman, thou art loosed from thine infirmity. Luke 13:11-12
Complacency and familiarity can become horrible crutches in our lives. We get use to certain things being a certain way for years and though they are bad, we no longer desire a change like we once did, no, we have chosen to adapt to the circumstance and we just go with the flow. Well that works for some people, but it no longer works for me!
I use to be content with my life a certain way, getting up in the morning, going to work, coming home, going to bed and back to work. But then I realized there was more to life, more to faith, more to accomplish and I started to believe God literally for what He said. God gave me a vision to start an outreach program for troubled and at risk youth, never thought of it or done it before in life, but here was this plan. I stepped out on faith and began to do things I never thought possible, with no formal education, all because I believed God!
I decided I did not want to spend the next year's of my life just existing, but I wanted to truly live out my days in pursuit of purpose. The woman in our scriptures was content with her circumstances, even when Jesus told her she was loosed of her infirmity, she did not take it upon herself to stand up, no, it was not until He laid hands on her that she actually believed she was able to have what he spoke.
I submit to you today my sisters, that if you can just believe God for what he said, you can have it, walk into it, come out of it, be healed of it, delivered from it, and or accomplish those great things he put in your heart to do. Don't keep waiting for someone else to tell you it's possible, step out on your faith in God and know that all things are possible.
So in closing, no more tug a war with your faith, stop fighting with God and give up your mundane way of thinking and your familiar comfortable way of being and LIVE in pusuit of the Greatness God desires for your life! You are rich in blessing, rich in knowledge, rich in opportunity, rich in purpose, rich in faith and rich in power. God released his word now operate according to what he said by giving up the old way, Turing loose your way and pushing yourself into His promise!
Time To Break Out The Box!