"And we beseech you, brethren, to know them which labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you;" 1 Thess. 5:12
In these days and times the enemy has a plan to stop, hinder and frustrate the plan and purpose of God in your life, so you must know who is truly walking with you.
People can show themselves to you, but not really show themselves. They hide behind what you want to see, so that you don't see who they really are. They are sabotagers, purpose stealers, mind confusers, imitators, duplicators. The ones that have no vision, so they covet yours. They lay in wait for you to become weak, hoping to cipher your anointing g and take your identity and make it theirs. They are enemies henchmen, men of questionable character, who lack integrity, accountability and responsibility to God and the things of God! But be watchful to the very end, the enemy tries but his destiny is failure and the lake of fire.
Know who your true ministers, sisters and warriors are in your circle, for they will encourage not eradicate, the will give strength, not gossip, they will lift up not let down. Recognize who is laboring among you and if they are real embrace them, but cut off the heads of the snakes in the name of Jesus!