Thursday, April 9, 2015

Do You Like Me? I Love Me! Thurs. April 9 2015

"If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you." John 15:18

In the chaos and turmoil of the world. All the natural and man made disasters, wars, hatred because of gender, faith, race, sexual origin, murder without cause. I could go on and on but I'll  stop right there.  The world is a mess all over, but it is fueled by its disdain for truth, right and God our creator.  See the world is fallen and dark, believes that it's  way is right, justified and that it can actually heal it's self by continuing in this broken system and cycle wickedness, which is insanity.

Thank God that your eyes have been opened by you having an encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. You are now able to see the hamster wheel the world is trapped in, but because of that, they hate you.  It's like you are the crab that made it out the pot and they are pissed! Why? Because they see the light that you carry, the truth comes with you into the dark places and shines the light on their sinfulness. To be honest that is a painful thing to the world, their pride is shattered and they are proven wrong, shown that there is a God that created everything and formed a system for it to operate and live by. So they hate you, because of what you believe, what you have seen and what you reveal to those that are being delivered from the darkness! 

Don't be afraid of men and there faces, Jesus said he did not come to bring peace but a sword. There will be rejection from the world because you are not of it, there will be persecution because they fear what tears down or comes against what they call their truth.  Ever noticed, No other religion has it's believers persecuted, killed, imprisoned or attempted to be discredited like the Christian faith? It's because of the power of the gospel, and the light of his glory that reveals the sinful hearts, thoughts and deeds of mankind. Nothing is hidden from God and through the light they can see their own sin!

So be encouraged knowing that you are a light bearer, and a vessel of deliverance for all those you reveal the gospel to, let God continue to use you and know that If the world hates you its because they first hated Christ and you are his representative in the earth. So if they don't like you, SO WHAT! You like you because GOD LOVES YOU!


Father in the name of Jesus, give me the continued strength and steadfastness to stand for what is right and to be a light bearer of the truth regardless of what the world or anyone else says. I will stand and represent you in my school, on my job, in my home, my community and everywhere I go, I will lift you up in Jesus name amen.