Saturday, March 21, 2015

He Believes In You! March 22, 2015

" And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God." 
                            Luke 1:30
God is fully aware of your strengths and weaknesses, more than you are aware of them. He knows what you are capable to handle and what can cause you to fall. Know that when God chose you, he was fully aware of your upbringing, your education, your financial status and your struggles. He did not choose you because your were perfect and had it all together, no, he chose you because he knows what you are able to accomplish inspite of all of the above.
 Have no fear as you continue to walk with God,  times will get difficult, you may experience loss, may have to run for your life, but so did Mary. If God be for you, who can stand against you? God is able to protect his favored you, just follow his lead!
Father in the name of Jesus, give me the wisdom I need to walk in your perfect peace and your perfect love, for your word declares that perfect love casts out fear. I know that you believe that I can do it, so help my unbelief today. I want to trust you and not lean to my own thinking, so order my steps that I may follow your path. In Jesus name amen.

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