Monday, April 13, 2015

Don't Believe The Hype!

4" For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. 5 Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?" 1 John 5:4-5

Looking back at the start of your journey on today, you've had to (some of us) coax yourself out the bed, and push yourself to make the transition to work. Sometimes the stress, troubles in marriage, relationship with children's estranged father or the steadfast bill collector is more hard work and appears to be humongous in size and weight, so you just ignore the call, the conversation, call in sick, or just mute it out your mind completely. It's in the category of the things you would rather not at the present moment discuss or talk about because it just opens the door to drama!

Yeah, I know, these are the things that cause us stress, and they unfortunately  are usually the first things that hit us in the face in the morning!  Somebody has their clock on ruin your day alarm because they are in a sour mood and have nothing but nasty attitude for you today, no matter how nice you are, it's  like they just get more indignant. My sister, my sister, you are bending with the weight of life's issues on your back but you will not break! You have already overcome each and every situation in your day, you are victorious. Don't  look at the size of the mountain, but remember who made it,  because he is the one who garuntees your victory because of your faith!


The issues and pressures are real but remember you have already overcome them. So don't  allow anyone to place the weight on you because they can't  handle their own stuff, tell them to give it to Jesus for you are already standing on top of your own, in victory!


Father I thank you for giving me victory in every situation in my life through Jesus Christ. I give you praise for your strength being made perfect in my life and for keeping me from breaking under the pressures of life.  You deserve the glory and the honor in Jesus mighty name amen!

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